
Emerging Screenwriters Contest (https://www.emergingscreenwriters.com/es_contest/)

Regular Deadline: May 23

Final Deadline: June 27

Looking for scripts in seven different genres. The winner in each genre gets $2500. Of the seven scripts selected, one will win $7500.

Down Town Los Angeles Film Festival (https://www.dtlaff.com/submit-your-film/)

Late Deadline: June 1

Extended Deadline: June 21

Submit your feature length screenplay, TV pilot, or short film script to DTLA Film Fest’s first screenwriting contest. Winners will receive and InkTip script listing to promote themselves and their screenplay.


Deadline to include your logline(s) in InkTip Magazine!

Friday, October 26 is the deadline to get your loglines published in InkTip Magazine for $40 each.